尼加拉瓜 - 马那瓜国立自治大学 (UNAN)

尼加拉瓜, 馬那瓜 , De la Rotonda Universitaria 1 km al Sur, Villa Fontana Apartado Postal #663

Founded 1812 as Universidad de León in succession to a 17th century seminary. Retained characteristics of Spanish colonial university until reorganization at end of 19th century. Granted autonomous status 1958 and reforms initiated. Financially supported by the State through the Ministry of Finance (72.3%), tuition fees (25.2%), and other sources (2.5%).

助学金: 公立
等级 4
语言 1
分部 17
  • 招生详情: Secondary school certificate (bachillerato) or recognized equivalent, and entrance examination


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