瑞士南部应用科学与艺术大学 (SUPSI)
Created 1997.
Federal Department of Economic Affairs
等级 2
语言 1
分部 8
- 戏剧学校研究领域: 剧院
当地货币: CHF
CHF800.00 – CHF1,600.00
- 招生详情: Upper secondary education: either an apprenticeship with a professional maturity certificate (maturità professionale), or a general (academic) maturity certificate (maturità liceale), plus one year of professional practice in the form of an internship or work placement. In some subjects (social work, health, art or music) applicants must pass an entrance examination. Candidates over 25 and who can demonstrate significant training and experience in a field related to the degree course may also be admitted.
您的货币: USD
US$887.23 – US$1,774.47