国立台北大学 (NTPU)
Founded 1949 as Taiwan Provincial College of Law and Business. Transformed into National Chung Hsing University, College of Business and Law before it acquired present status and title 2000. Relocated its six colleges from the downtown campus in the Taipei City, to the present San-Shia main campus in the New Taipei City 2010.
Higher Education Evaluation and Accreditation Council of Taiwan, Institute of Engineering Education Taiwan (IEET) Accreditation
等级 3
语言 1
分部 15
当地货币: TWD
NT$45,691.00 – NT$53,278.00
- 招生详情: Applicants must be graduated from a high school, college or university or hold equivalent qualifications
您的货币: USD
US$1,381.94 – US$1,611.41