
英国, 泰晤士河畔金斯顿 , River House 53-57 High Street

Founded 1970 as Kingston Polytechnic, acquired present status and title 1992. Campuses at Kingston Hill, Knights Park, Penrhyn Road, Roehampton Vale.

助学金: 未知的
等级 5
语言 1
分部 5
  • 招生详情: General Certificate of Education (GCE) with passes in 5 approved subjects including at least 2 at Advanced ('A') level or 4 at Advanced Supplementary ('AS') level. General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) should normally include English and Mathematics. GNVQ level 3 and at least 3 General Certificate of Secondary Education passes. Relevant access courses or International Baccalaureate at suitable level. Equivalent foreign qualifications


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