
英国, 利兹 , Calverley Street

Founded 1970 as Leeds Polytechnic,formed from the amalgamation of Leeds College of Technology, Leeds College of Commerce, part of Leeds College of Art, and Yorkshire College of Education and Home Economics. Acquired University status as Leeds Metropolitan University1992 and present title 2014.

助学金: 未知的
等级 4
语言 1
分部 4
  • 招生详情: General Certificate of Education (GCE) with Grade E passes in at least 2 subjects at Advanced ('A') level, plus Grade C in 3 other subjects at General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE), or 3 'A' level passes, plus a GCSE, Grade C in one other subject, or equivalent. All entrants must have grade C in GCSE English, IELTS Band 6, or equivalent


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