马萨里克大学 (MU)
Founded in 1919 with Faculties of Law, Medecine, Science and Arts, Faculty of Education established in 1947, Economics and Administration in 1990, Informatics in 1994, Social Studies in 1998 and Sports Studies in 2002. Closed 1939-1945 during the German occupation. Became Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in 1960, Renamed Masaryk University again since 1989.
等级 3
语言 2
分部 9
当地货币: USD
US$1,500.00 – US$4,500.00
- 招生详情: Secondary school certificate (Maturitní vysvědčeni) and entrance examination, also working knowledge of the Czech language except for courses in English.
您的货币: USD
US$1,500.00 – US$4,500.00