Paris West NanterreLaDéfense大学
Founded 1970 under the 1968 law reforming higher education as one of the Universities replacing the former Université de Paris - founded in 12th century, constituted as Universitas Magistrorum and confirmed by Papal Bull 1215, suppressed by the Revolution in 1793, replaced 1808 by an Academy of the Université impériale, reconstituted as university 1890. A State institution enjoying academic and financial autonomy, operated under the jurisdiction of the Minister of Education and financed by the State. Acquired present title 2010. Member of the COMUE Paris Lumières University
等级 4
语言 1
分部 15
当地货币: EUR
€100.00 – €100.00
- 招生详情: Secondary school certificate (baccalauréat) or equivalent, or special entrance examination
您的货币: USD
US$108.21 – US$108.21